
Sunday, January 17, 2010

What skills did I use today?

  1. Attend to relationships- I called a friend and told her about the trauma I am feeling with having a psych eval for my SSDI review.
  2. Opposite-to-emotion action- I took a shower and went to the grocery store.
  3. Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment- I watched some Jimmy Kimmel episodes on hulu.
  4. Mindful of current thoughts- I know I am thinking about a potential future disaster.
I am very much struggling. Yesterday I spent the day in bed and today I was motivated because I was out of soymilk.

Calling a friend was a good idea because I got to talk about my stress and remember to listen. Not everything that is happening in this world is happening to me, and I need to remember that.

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