
Sunday, January 3, 2010

What skills did I use today?

Today's big event was a canasta meetup that I hosted at my apartment. I cleaned. I set up the sewing room as a card room and had to move a lot of furniture to make this happen. I bought donuts and set out glasses and mugs so people could get their own drinks. My kitchen counter makes a great buffet, so I set up all the food/drink stuff there.

Five people, including myself, played. I did not sleep well last night and would have preferred a nap, but I had committed so I followed through. Although at the end I was kind of shepherding them out the door so I could go lie down.
  1. Participate- I played both games we played today.
  2. Non-judgmental stance- There were people in my kitchen talking about Sarah Palin as a legitimate political figure. Nuff said.
  3. One-mindfully- I struggled with this, since I wanted to fully be in the moment when I had company, but found my ruminations carried over and my mood was depressed.
  4. Problem solving- set up new rules for how we play cards and they were well received
  5. Accumulate positives- cards, again, in the social aspect
  6. Build mastery- I won at both games we played today
  7. Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment- the canasta group was a distraction
  8. Mindful of current thoughts- very aware of my ruminations

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