
Friday, January 1, 2010

Diary Card

Although I have not formally begun the program, I have met with the therapist I will be seeing on an individual basis at the DBT program.

Every day I am supposed to complete a diary card listing what skills I used and rate my urges and actions. Because I have done DBT before she (tdoc) gave me the card before the formal start of the program. At this point I'm only tracking skills.

The skills are:

  1. Wise mind
  2. Observe
  3. Describe
  4. Participate
  5. Non-judgmental stance
  6. One-mindfully
  7. Effectiveness
  8. Figure out interpersonal goals
  9. DEAR (describe, express, assert, reinforce)
  10. MAN (mindful, ignore attacks)
  11. GIVE (gentle, interested, validate, easy manner)
  12. FAST (fair, no apologies, stick to values, truthful)
  13. Attend to relationships
  14. Describing emotions
  15. Opposite-to-emotion action
  16. Problem solving
  17. Accumulate positives
  18. Build mastery
  19. PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)
  20. Mindfulness of current emotion
  21. TIP (temperature [ice/heat], intense exercise, progressive relaxation
  22. Pros and Cons
  23. Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment
  24. Radical acceptance
  25. Willingness
  26. Mindful of current thoughts
  27. Half-smiling
I know that seems like a long list, but I will delve more specifically into each skill as we focus on it in class.

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