
Monday, March 15, 2010

What skills did I use today?

  1. Wise mind- Yup.
  2. Participate- In the training at work.
  3. Non-judgmental stance- When I saw a guy on my front porch. Then I realized something was fishy.
  4. Effectiveness- Called the police.
  5. Figure out interpersonal goals- I called my sister and asked her for empathy and compassion, but she told me I would never get them from her. Is this a skill?
  6. Problem solving- Called the police and asked for extra patrols on my street.
  7. Accumulate positives- Participated in the training and was able to get good feedback.
  8. Build mastery- In the training at work.
  9. PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)- Did a good job of this today.
  10. Mindfulness of current emotion- Feeling anxious after I caught the stranger on the walk in front of the house.
  11. Willingness- Took the bottles back. Went grocery shopping. Made the extra stop to get the special vegan cheese.

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