
Friday, March 19, 2010

What skills did I use today? I had a good day!

  1. Wise mind- Abso-fucking-lutely
  2. Participate- When I bathed the cat. When Sabrina and I laid on the bed while the cleaning lady was here; I pet her and she rubbed up against me then we fell asleep.
  3. Non-judgmental stance- The cleaning lady was almost an hour late.
  4. One-mindfully- While I was pre-cleaning.
  5. Effectiveness- Getting the cleaning done. Posting on my support group about my interpersonal style and talking about recent negative events in the spirit of moving forward.
  6. Problem solving- The basement is clean! The house is aired out! Laundry completed!
  7. Accumulate positives- Clean house! Nap! Clean cat! Took muffins to the library.
  8. Build mastery- Cleaning Sabrina's butt.
  9. Mindfulness of current emotion- When I was annoyed the cleaning lady was here when I wanted to sleep; then I remembered that I have no obligation to be helping her, so I closed my bedroom door and took a nap.
  10. Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment- With the not-smoking issue. I'm keeping busy.
  11. Mindful of current thoughts- Yes, when I realized I was angry at the cleaning lady for being late, but when she got here we talked about how she wrote down the time wrong.

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