
Thursday, April 15, 2010

What skills did I use on Wednesday

  1. Wise mind
  2. Observe
  3. Participate
  4. Non-judgmental stance
  5. One-mindfully
  6. Effectiveness
  7. Attend to relationships
  8. Accumulate positives
  9. Build mastery
  10. Mindfulness of current emotion
  11. Mindful of current thoughts
I had the day off and I sewed a little, lied on the couch a bit with the kitties, farted around. I did my laundry.

Called a supervisor to follow up on my disability email and received a response (cc'd to HR and my boss) telling me in detail how to do my job and including instructions on etiquette. Very upsetting. I responded to HR/boss letting them know this is not feedback, I haven't worked with this person in over a year, but anticipation and expecting the worst.

Had to turn off Fresh Air because it was triggering me. Mindful of my thoughts/emotions regarding that.

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