
Saturday, February 13, 2010

What skills did I use yesterday?

Yesterday I had the day off. Although I dragged my feet, I was out the door before noon. I finally got my hair cut. I exchanged a pair of pants at Old Navy then went back to the beauty school for a pedicure. I was tired in the evening and laid down to read and went to sleep early.

I called HR and asked about disability accommodations (do I go through HR or my boss?) and I was promised a call back but didn't get it.

The biggie for today was talking for almost a half hour with the woman who is doing my disability review for Social Security. Turns out I was sent for a psych review because someone made a mistake and put in my file that my most recent psychiatric care was in 08, not 09 (when I filled out the forms). So they never got pdoc records. The lady is going to request them now that she understands. She also strongly hinted, but didn't say outright, that my case will be renewed.
  1. Wise mind- I knew I would feel better about myself if I accomplished things, so I did them. Even though it is emotionally challenging to do some of the things I did.
  2. Observe- I used this skill when I was at the mall and I noticed my anxiety increasing.
  3. Participate- I was getting antsy at the pedicure and I tried to be in the moment. It seems like no matter where I am or what I am doing, I am thinking about other places to be/things to do. So I tried to just be in the moment, feeling the warm water on my feet, noticing what the beauty students with free time were reading and trying not to judge, asking my beauty student questions about herself.
  4. Non-judgmental stance- I saw someone reading a Nora Roberts book. I give myself half credit on this one.
  5. One-mindfully- This seems a lot like "participate" in the way I used this skill at the beauty school.
  6. Effectiveness- I called ahead and knew that my guy at the beauty school would not be there. but I went anyway because I really needed a trim and thought I would let someone else cut my hair. It needed to be done. The big one: I called HR and asked who I need to talk to about disability accommodations. I did not get a call back.
  7. Problem solving- Calling HR. Calling the Disability Svcs woman.
  8. Accumulate positives- Reading. Haircut. Pedicure.
  9. Mindfulness of current emotion- Lots of this today, at various points.
  10. Willingness- It took willingness to pick up the phone and make those calls,

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