
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What skills did I use today?

  1. Wise mind- I think I had a pretty balanced day. My right shoulder hurts and I had a fair amount of concern about showing up for an early shift, but I made it there-- early-- and did the work I needed to do.
  2. Effectiveness- I got in the shower almost as soon as I woke up (after I put the coffee on) so that I would be motivated to stay up and go to work. I ran out of cat food and made an emergency run to the grocery store, but that was all I bought. No impulse purchases. I ate all of my meals at home and didn't get any take-out coffee.
  3. Attend to relationships- Called a friend with news she needed to hear today. Made friendly-like gestures to a new coworker.
  4. Problem solving- Did this at work; the new coworker had no experience with the task, PLUS, we did it a different way this time, so we had to problem-solve how to do the workflow.
  5. Accumulate positives- Took a nap. Picked up a book that was on hold at the library and started reading it.
  6. Build mastery- Scanned a ton of documents for this blog (more to come) and spent a lot of time working on it.
  7. Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment- Laid on my bed with Ludmilla this afternoon. The shoulder thing is right irksome, and I needed a break. I turned on the nightstand lights and read for a while, even though that is counter to sleep hygiene.

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