
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What skills did I use today?

  1. Wise mind
  2. One-mindfully
  3. Effectiveness
  4. Problem solving
  5. Accumulate positives
  6. Build mastery
  7. Willingness
  8. Mindful of current thoughts
Two things stand out from today: I was at work and was doing a task. One of my coworkers asked me if I was going to page today, or if I was going to "stand all day doing X". Well, X is a part of being a page. And it was the task I was asked to do. So I said I was doing the task I had been directed to do, but if I needed to do a different task (another coworker within earshot) needed to tell me. The second coworker replied that I was fine. As it turned out, I did stand all day doing X. Because that was what needed to be done. But I didn't let emotion mind take over and get defensive when I was being attacked. Later I looked at the schedule and it turns out that at that particular time X was the task I was assigned for that time. This coworker has a problem with me but I didn't go to management and talk about it, although emotion mind wanted to. She asks me questions about my qualifications, etc. every time I do this task.

In the afternoon I came home and read a book. "The Guinea Pig Diaries" includes a chapter on the importance of not multitasking and the author's experiments with doing one thing at a time. I felt very good that when I was reading that I was doing one thing- reading- and no other thing. I'm going to photocopy the chapter for my tdoc.

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