
Friday, February 26, 2010

What skills did I use today?

  1. Wise mind- Had some events that triggered emotion mind, but reigned it in and stayed in wise mind.
  2. Participate- Work.
  3. Non-judgmental stance- Someone I know is always rude, but I didn't take the bait. I just let it be. I also was asked to evaluate someone's performance today and I had a very measured response, acknowledging what had happened, but suggesting motivations for why that might be. A guy at the corner store went into a meltdown when my car beeped when I locked it. I figured he's not in a good space to run around screaming like that at the slightest provocation.
  4. One-mindfully- Work.
  5. Effectiveness- Work and relating to rude boy.
  6. Figure out interpersonal goals- Figured I need to maintain a good relationship with rude boys, despite his failings.
  7. Attend to relationships- Online communication with friends. Let a coworker know she needs to be direct with me, because the wishy-washy hinting and saying she doesn't care confuses me.
  8. Describing emotions- Anger. Sadness.
  9. Problem solving- Work. Helped rude boy solve a problem. Well, I tried.
  10. Accumulate positives- Being in contact with friends. Sharing of myself with coworkers. Helping the public at work.
  11. Build mastery- Work. Rude boy.
  12. Mindfulness of current emotion- Rude boy.
  13. Pros and Cons- Pros and cons of being reactive with rude boy.
  14. Radical acceptance- I radically accept that rude boy is an asshole and no amount of DEAR MAN will change that.

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