- Wise mind- At times.
- Participate- When I was sewing.
- Non-judgmental stance- Struggled with this because I felt I wasn't very productive today.
- One-mindfully-Sewing. Ate dinner at the table with no reading material.
- Attend to relationships- I have been emailing a friend on a regular basis and it feels good to connect on a deeper level about serious issues.
- Accumulate positives- Reading, sewing. Nap.
- Build mastery- Sewing.
- PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)- Nap.
- TIP (temperature [ice/heat], intense exercise, progressive relaxation- Laid on the couch with the heating pad. Stretched.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What skills did I use today?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
What skills did I use today?
- Wise mind- Yes, manifested in actions below
- Observe- "I notice a feeling of disgust" re: cat vomit
- One-mindfully- When washing my dishes and folding my laundry.
- Effectiveness- I cleaned up the cat vomit.
- Figure out interpersonal goals- Working on developing a closer relationship with someone I know.
- Attend to relationships- Posted in the forum, sent a message to person in #5.
- Opposite-to-emotion action- I took a shower and did some housework after a Klonopin nap. It would have been easy to write off the whole day as a loss, but I got it together and even went out for a while.
- Problem solving- Posted on forum about strategies for making best use of my week off.
- Accumulate positives- Made my bed. Washed the fluffy bathrobe. All the laundry is current. Dishes are all washed.
- Mindfulness of current emotion- Noticing that I am feeling lonely and this is only day 1 of 7.
- Pros and Cons- Cat vomit, again.
- Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment- Took a nap because I had too little sleep last night and needed to recharge. I was starting to hallucinate.
- Willingness- Cat vomit.
What skills did I use on Monday?
What skills did I use on Sunday?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
What skills did I use on Friday?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
What skills did I use today?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
What skills did I use on Wednesday?
- Wise mind
- Participate
- One-mindfully
- Accumulate positives
- Build mastery
- Mindfulness of current emotion
What skills did I use on Tuesday?
- Wise mind
- Participate
- Non-judgmental stance
- Effectiveness
- Attend to relationships
- PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)
- Mindfulness of current emotion
- Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment
- Willingness
What skills did I use on Monday?
- Wise mind
- Participate
- Non-judgmental stance
- Effectiveness
- Mindfulness of current emotion
- Radical acceptance
- Mindful of current thoughts
What skills did I use on Sunday?
- Wise mind
- Participate
- Effectiveness
- Figure out interpersonal goals
- DEAR (describe, express, assert, reinforce)
- Attend to relationships
- Describing emotions
- Opposite-to-emotion action
- Problem solving
- Accumulate positives
- Build mastery
- Radical acceptance
- Willingness
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I don't feel very skillful right now.
Friday, March 19, 2010
What skills did I use today? I had a good day!
- Wise mind- Abso-fucking-lutely
- Participate- When I bathed the cat. When Sabrina and I laid on the bed while the cleaning lady was here; I pet her and she rubbed up against me then we fell asleep.
- Non-judgmental stance- The cleaning lady was almost an hour late.
- One-mindfully- While I was pre-cleaning.
- Effectiveness- Getting the cleaning done. Posting on my support group about my interpersonal style and talking about recent negative events in the spirit of moving forward.
- Problem solving- The basement is clean! The house is aired out! Laundry completed!
- Accumulate positives- Clean house! Nap! Clean cat! Took muffins to the library.
- Build mastery- Cleaning Sabrina's butt.
- Mindfulness of current emotion- When I was annoyed the cleaning lady was here when I wanted to sleep; then I remembered that I have no obligation to be helping her, so I closed my bedroom door and took a nap.
- Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment- With the not-smoking issue. I'm keeping busy.
- Mindful of current thoughts- Yes, when I realized I was angry at the cleaning lady for being late, but when she got here we talked about how she wrote down the time wrong.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What skills did I use today?
- Wise mind
- Observe- Mindfulness exercise at DBT.
- Describe- Mindfulness exercise at DBT.
- Participate- Made muffins. Twice.
- Non-judgmental stance- Had to deal with a person I don't care for. Tried not to judge.
- One-mindfully- Stood on the grass.
- Effectiveness- Quit smoking.
- DEAR (describe, express, assert, reinforce)
- MAN (mindful, ignore attacks)
- GIVE (gentle, interested, validate, easy manner)
- FAST (fair, no apologies, stick to values, truthful)- White-boarded these skills at DBT.
- Attend to relationships- Facebook.
- Opposite-to-emotion action- Quit smoking.
- Problem solving- Quit smoking. Did substitutions because I could not find canned pumpkin.
- Accumulate positives- Sewed.
- Build mastery- Sewing. Muffins.
- Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment- Sewing
- Willingness- Quit smoking.
Road Trips Pics: A Dreaded Sunny Day, So I'll Meet You at the Cemetery Gates
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Skills? Skills? Skills!
- Worked for 5 hours.
- Ate lunch and caught up on TV-on-the-internet.
- Made a phone call asking about a job that was posted and got the response "We're just now taking that down because we got it covered." It was a weird posting and I felt that I was being slighted, so I ruminated about that for a while, then I--
- Ran errands. Went to an unfamiliar grocery store. I used to shop there all the time when I lived close to that store, but since then they changed it all around and who knows where anything is? I could feel my patience waning. I had to ask where EVERY ITEM I BOUGHT was. But I got it all.
- Mindfully put my groceries away. Mindfully washed the backlog of dishes.
- Made a home-cooked dinner.
- Played a 521 Scrabble game.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I'm sure I used some today.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Just Caught a Burglar- Maybe
What skills did I use today?
- Wise mind- Yup.
- Participate- In the training at work.
- Non-judgmental stance- When I saw a guy on my front porch. Then I realized something was fishy.
- Effectiveness- Called the police.
- Figure out interpersonal goals- I called my sister and asked her for empathy and compassion, but she told me I would never get them from her. Is this a skill?
- Problem solving- Called the police and asked for extra patrols on my street.
- Accumulate positives- Participated in the training and was able to get good feedback.
- Build mastery- In the training at work.
- PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)- Did a good job of this today.
- Mindfulness of current emotion- Feeling anxious after I caught the stranger on the walk in front of the house.
- Willingness- Took the bottles back. Went grocery shopping. Made the extra stop to get the special vegan cheese.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What skills did I use today?
- Wise mind- Yeah, but not a lot to comment about it.
- Participate- When I played cards.
- One-mindfully- When I played cards.
- Figure out interpersonal goals- There is a person who plays with us who is, um, challenging. I wrote out a DEAR to try and figure out what my goals are with this person.
- DEAR (describe, express, assert, reinforce)- Wrote it out but am not going to use it. It had to do with insulting my sister, and when I went over it with my sister she disagreed that I should pick this battle to fight.
- Attend to relationships- Spent time with my sis, met new people who played cards with us, spent time with the regulars.
- Problem solving- Trying to figure out what to do about the problem person.
- Accumulate positives- I almost always win when we play.
- Build mastery- I run the group, so I sent out emails about future meetings, updated the web site, sent personal notes to new members, in general just acted like I'm in charge and that I am welcoming.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
What skills did I use today?
- Wise mind
- Observe
- Describe
- Participate
- Non-judgmental stance
- One-mindfully
- PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)
- Mindfulness of current emotion
- Radical acceptance
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What skills did I use today?
- Wise mind
- Non-judgmental stance
- One-mindfully
- Build mastery
- PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)
- Pros and Cons
- Radical acceptance
What skills did I use yesterday?
- Wise mind- Very much so, but not much that to describe about it.
- Effectiveness- Went to work because I had a shift that was covering a meeting and I thought it was important to keep the commitment. I left early after the meeting ended to go home and go to bed.
- Attend to relationships- Offered to take my sister's cat to the groomer.
- PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)- Went to the mdoc about being sick for long. Turns out I have a sinus infection and both ears are infected.
- Pros and Cons- Used this to strategize about my work shift.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Anxiety Attack
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
What skills did I use today?
- Wise mind- I called in sick today and think that was better than being at work and having it be another horrible day.
- Figure out interpersonal goals
- DEAR (describe, express, assert, reinforce)
- Attend to relationships
- Problem solving- These four skills all go together in relation to how I advised supervisors about my disability needs.
- PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)- Made appt to see doc because I can't get over whatever this thing is I have.
Text of email I am using to let people know about my hearing loss
I have experienced a hearing loss. This issue has been in flux and I was not certain what my final functionality would be, and what type of support I would need to ask for in order to be successful at my job. At this point I feel the disability has stabilized and I have worked with Johnette in HR to develop a plan:
I may refer patrons to other staff because I can't understand the question the patron is asking.
I may repeat back what staff is saying to me to ensure that I understand what is being said.
I have a difficult time hearing speech with music in the background, so if there could be no ambient music played while I am working in the back that would be much appreciated.
I need to avoid loud sounds and may work in a different area if there is a screaming baby.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and support. I am trying my hardest to perform as well as I can given the limitations of my hearing loss. Please let me know if you have any questions.
What skills did I use yesterday?
- Wise mind
- Participate
- One-mindfully
- Effectiveness
- Figure out interpersonal goals
- Attend to relationships
- Problem solving
- Radical acceptance
- Willingness
Sunday, March 7, 2010
What skills did I use today?
- Wise mind- The whole emotionally I want to be in bed because I'm sick/rationally I want to get up and go to work because I made a commitment. I worked a 4 hour morning shift then came home and napped.
- One-mindfully- I had a repetitive task at work this morning and got into the whole zen flow of it.
- Attend to relationships- Talked to the supervisor about my hearing loss.
- Opposite-to-emotion action- The cats woke me up at 6 and I decided to stay up rather than go back to sleep and risk oversleeping for work.
- Build mastery- Learned a new skill at work.
- PLEASE (tend to physical ills, eating, avoid drugs, sleep, exercise)- Took a pill and slept all afternoon.
What skills did I use yesterday?
- Wise mind- Emotionally I felt some distress about the work group meeting where we talked about my hearing disability and that if I turn off the music that is my right. I knew we had to do this, but I fear it being unpopular. It went OK and no one played music all day long.
- Participate- Work tasks.
- Non-judgmental stance- This was hard. Someone was rubbing me the wrong way, but I interacted in a non-judgmental manner.
- One-mindfully- Half point. I tried to stay engaged, but slipped into thinking about how I wanted to not be at work because of my miserable cold.
- Effectiveness- Going to work despite being sick.
- Problem solving- The music issue.
- Radical acceptance- I had to radically accept that there were another two hours left on my shift.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
What skills did I use yesterday?
- Wise mind
- Observe
- Describe
- Participate
- Non-judgmental stance
- One-mindfully
- Effectiveness
- Distract/self-soothe/improve the moment
- Willingness
- Mindful of current thoughts